Two-Day Oil Painting Workshops
4354 N Lexington, Tacoma, WA
Price: $175
Hours: 10:00 to 4:00
Deposit of $50 required.
Upcoming classes:
March 22 and 23
Supply list:
- Photos of subjects you wish to paint, although there will be a still life set up
- Canvas: two or three of 8 x10" or 9 x 12"
- Glamsol mineral spirits
- Disposable gloves to protect hands
- Various flat and round brushes, both bristle and soft
- Portable easel: either table top or French
- Small notebook for note-taking
- Palette of disposable paper or plexi
Minimum paints:
- Whites: either titanium or zinc, warm white
- Reds: burnt umber, crimson, alizarin crimson, Earth
- Yellows: Indian, Naples, ochre or golden, lemon
- Greens: olive, pthalo, sap
- Blues: ultramarine, cerulean, radiant
- Violet: dioxazine
- And any favorites of your own!
Two-Day Watercolor Painting Workshops
4354 N Lexington, Tacoma, WA
Price: $175
Hours: 10:00 to 4:00
Deposit of $50 required.
Upcoming classes:
March 15 and 16
Supply list:
- Photos of desired subjects to paint
- Paper: cold pressed Arches, 140 or 300 lb. Either sheets of ΒΌ size or of a full sheet or larger. In pad form or taped to gatorboard.
- Brushes:
- Rounds - #8, 12, 30
- Flats - ¾", #10, 1½" wash
- One rigger
- Pencils: sketching - HB, 2B, 4B and eraser
- Palette: John Pike or other with divided paint trays and area for mixing
- One kitchen sponge
- One small natural sponge for lifting
- One plastic container for water
- Reds: cadmium, alizarin crimson, quinacridone burnt orange, burnt sienna
- Yellows: new gamboge, cadmium yellow, yellow iron oxide or ochre
- Greens: pthalo, hookers, sap
- Blues: cobalt, cerulean, French ultramarine
- Violet: dioxazine violet
- Darks: Paynes gray, raw umber, burnt umber, moonglow
mail deposits to:
Judith Perry
4354 North Lexington
Tacoma, WA 98407